Supporting Education

Club Projects

Women Empowerment Project     The LionFish Project     Seas & Straws     Rotary Reefs     Reforesting Mangroves in Sunderbans, India     Philippines Clean Water Initiative     Global Climate Pledge     Democracy in a Box     Community-Launched Basic Income     Children’s Discovery Garden     Agents of Influence

Basic Education and Literacy

Sixty-seven million children worldwide have no access to education and more than 775 million people over the age of 15 are illiterate. Our goal is to strengthen the capacity of communities to support basic education and literacy, reduce gender disparity in education, and increase adult literacy. (July 2014)

The Foundation enables Rotarians to ensure that all people have sustainable access to basic education and literacy by:

  1. Involving the community to support programs that strengthen the capacity of communities to provide basic education and literacy to all
  2. Increasing adult literacy in communities
  3. Working to reduce gender disparity in education
  4. Supporting studies for career-minded professionals related to basic education and literacy

We’d love to work with you.

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